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This guide applies to a Ruby on Rails ActiveRecord Model class. It is part of Jo Hund’s Software Engineering Guide.

This convention puts the most important information about a model at the top.

class Project < ActiveRecord::Base

Include other modules: They add new behavior to the model. We want to know about this right away.

  include Canable::Permissions

Rails macros: They, too add implicit behavior to our model.

  default_scope order("name ASC")

ActiveRecord callbacks: They add important behavior to our model.

It’s also important to specify callbacks before associations in order for inheritance to work for the callback queues. Otherwise, you might trigger the loading of a child before the parent has registered the callbacks and they won’t be inherited. (From Rails' ActiveRecord::Callbacks documentation)

  • Sort the callbacks as required by model logic and add a comment indicating why a callback’s position is important.
  before_create :set_start_date # no dependencies, do this first
  before_save :update_duration # after set_start_date so we can use start date for calculation

ActiveRecord associations: They tell us how this model interacts with other models.

  • Sort the associations alphabetically, including the macro. Helps with detecting duplicates and finding them.
  • Never go over 100 characters per line.
  • Prefer has_many :through over has_and_belongs_to_many
  • Always spell out the :dependent option explicitly where it applies to prove that you have thought about it.
  • Always specify the :inverse_of option on associations. Helps eliminating some strange bugs when traversing the object graph in-memory and making changes. Except on :as, :through and :polymorphic associations. Doesn’t work on those.
  belongs_to :client, :inverse_of => :projects
  has_many :collaborators, :dependent => :nullify, :inverse_of => :project
  has_many :todos, :order => "position ASC", :dependent => :destroy, :inverse_of => :project
  has_many :persons_responsible,
    :through => :collaborators,
    :uniq => true,
    :source => :person,
    :order => "persons.email ASC"


  validates_presence_of :name

Scopes (formerly known as named_scopes)

  • Sort scopes alphabetically
  • Never go over 100 characters per line.
  • For complex scopes, put each element on a new line, put . on previous line to make multi-line unambiguous for parser
  scope :active, where(:state => "active")
  scope :sorted_by lambda { |sort_key|
    case sort_key
    when "date_asc"; "projects.created_at ASC"
  scope :complicated,
    where("other_table.some_value = ?", value).
    order("position ASC").

Miscellaneous Declarations:

  • state_machine
  • delegation
  attr_protected :client_id
  alias_method ...

I prefer the demeter ruby extension over Rails' delegate for delegation.

  demeter :client_name, :to => :client, :using => :name

Class Methods

I prefer the def self.method_name form. Shows the class context when looking at the method in isolation (e.g. as part of search results or symbol search in editor)

  def self.class_method_1
  def self.class_method_2

Instance Methods

  def instance_method_1(arg1)
  def instance_method_2(arg1)


Permissions are all grouped together (both class and instance methods)

  def self.listable_by?(actor)
  def updatable_by?(actor)
  def owned_by?(actor)
    actor == person

Protected Methods: The protected keyword is not indented.


  def protected_method

Private Methods: The private keyword is not indented.


  def set_start_date
    self.started_at = Time.zone.now


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© Jo Hund